A new four-part documentary series on the Duggar family, famous for their former reality show 19 Kids and Counting, premieres today, diving deep into the hyper-religious lifestyle they represent. This documentary sheds light on the rigid, faith-based rules families like the Duggars follow, and what happens when those rules fail to protect them. The family’s public image shattered after revelations of sexual abuse by Josh Duggar, who is now serving time in prison for child pornography charges.
Washington Post Teases Shocking Details in Latest Duggar Docuseries
The Washington Post has offered a teaser, including columnist Monica Hesse’s compelling take on why viewers shouldn’t miss this shocking exploration. One particular moment that stood out from the series is how boys in the Duggar family’s faith community are discouraged from changing their baby sisters’ diapers due to concerns about inappropriate temptation—an unsettling example of the extremes within their beliefs. Meanwhile, Arkansas Times contributor Guy Lancaster will be sharing his thoughts after watching the entire series, promising a bourbon-infused critique. If you’re tuning in this weekend, join the conversation and see how these dark secrets unravel.
Source : https://arktimes.com/arkansas-blog/2023/06/02/the-other-duggar-reality-show-debuts-today-washington-post-offers-a-teaser